Government and the Common man (Individual Benefits from GOK & GOI) as on 24 Feb 2015
Government and the Common Man
Dear friends,
Wish you all the
best in the competitive examinations. The subject I am talking to you today may
come under General Knowledge.
Recall the face of the
poorest and the weakest
man (woman) whom you
may have seen, and ask
yourself, if the step
you contemplate is going to be
of any use to him
(her). Will he (she) gain
anything by it? Will
it restore him (her) to a
control over his (her)
own life and destiny? In
other words, will it
lead to swaraj (freedom) for
the hungry and
spiritually starving millions?
……Mahatma Gandhi
of the Nation”
The preamble of our Constitution as amended
during emergency includes the word ‘socialistic’. The objective of including
this word in the preamble is probably to indicate the basic structure of the
Constitution and requirement of the nation. This is to indicate that most of
the activities of our Governments are for the benefit of common man- Aam admi
or the lower strata of our society.
As you all know the Human Development of any
country is determined not just by the GDP or the per capita income but more so
by the spread and penetration of the economic benefits to the poorer sections
of the public. In other words it is not
enough to keep seeing that the rich become richer but it is also very essential
to ensure that more and more number people come above the poverty line as
quickly as possible. I hope you also know that the Planning Commission of India
has determined that any person who gets Rs. 32 in rural areas and Rs. 47 in
cities per day is a BPL. This is as per the Rangarajan Committee Report
which is the latest report on this aspect. Out of the Indian population of 1.22
billion people an estimated 363 million amounting to 29.5% of the population
are BPL.
In the light of the above, we may observe that
the successive Governments both at the Centre and States have continuously
strived for the upliftment of the poor and the downtrodden through various
plans, programmes, schemes, projects etc.
Today let us try to have a bird’s-eye-view of
some specific schemes which are being implemented through various Departments
of the Government. There are 36 Departments, 19 Boards and Corporations in GOK.
Likewise there are 48 Departments and more than 100 Boards, Corporations,
Commissions, Agencies etc in GOI. Each entity has its own set of schemes for
benefiting the am admi. As such the
schemes of the Government are so many that you will see that to all eligible
and needy persons they are available from birth to death i.e. literally from
womb to tomb. In the present speech, though I am citing many schemes, you
should never think that we have exhausted all the available schemes without
leaving any one as on date.
All most all the schemes of the
Central Government meant for the poor people
are implemented through the State Government machinery or at least with
the major assistance and co operation of the State Government.
a)Revenue Department:
The schemes of the Revenue Department are implemented through the
Tahshildars of the Taluks.
Project: Bhoomi is the project for online delivery and management of land
records in Karnataka. The Bhoomi has computerized 20 million records of land ownership
of 6.7 million formers in the state.
Land record KIOSKS are installed in all the 176 Taluks and most of the Hoblis.
By paying Rs. 10 a farmer can obtain a copy of the RTC. RTC contains the
details of owner, survey number, area, assessment, soil type, nature of
possession, liabilities, tenancy, malkis like wells trees etc. on the land. The
mutation or the change of khata will have to be completed within 45 days on
first come first serve basis. Karnataka was the pioneer for this scheme. This has reduced corruption and middle men.
A person may acquire immovable property by
inheritance, will, purchase, gift, partition deed or grant by Government.
Property may come to one’s share by the orders of the Judicial Courts also.
Kaveri E-Registration: This is a 100% automation
registration process resulting in instant delivery of registered documents in
Karnataka. Again Karntaka was a pioneer in this.
between Bhoomi and Kaveri: Both the Bhoomi and Kaveri software’s have been
interlinked in every Taluk and J-slip or sale transactions information slips
are automatically generated.
Community Marriages: In urban areas a minimum of 25 pairs and in rural areas a
minimum of 10 pairs may marry in a group to avail the benefit of Rs. ten
thousand per bride. The organisers get an incentive of Rs. 100/- per pair.
Am Admi
Bima Yojana AABY (janashri): This is a social security insurance scheme for the
rural landless families.
The head of the family or one earning member in
the family of a rural household is covered under this scheme. The premium of
Rs.200/- per person per annum is shared equally by the Central Government and
the State Government. The member to be covered should be aged between 18 and 59
On natural death :Rs.
On Death due to accident/on permanent total
due to accident (loss of 2 eyes or 2 limbs) :Rs.
On partial permanent disability due to accident
(loss of one eye or
One lime) :Rs.
Children of such families will be given student scholarship between 9th
and 12th standard.
Gandhi Old Age Pension: An amount of Rs. 400/- will be granted for destitutes
beyond 60 years.
Pension: Every destitute widow above 18 years will be given a monthly pension
of Rs. 400/-
8. Physically
Handicapped Pension: Any physically handicapped person with 75% disability will
be given a pension of Rs. 1,000/- per month. Other handicapped persons will be
given Rs. 400/- per month.
Suraksha Yojana: Under this scheme every person aged above 65 years and whose
earnings are less than Rs. 20,000/- per year are given a pension of Rs. 400/-
per month.
This scheme and the above cited IGOAP are to be
implemented in unison.
National Social Assistance Programme: provides a compensation of Rs. 10,000/- on the death of the earning member of the BPL
The 12 digit individual identification number/card issued by UIDAI (unique
identification authority of India), will serve as a proof of identity and
address anywhere in India.
As you may know the services for
the common man are rendered through Primary Health Centers, Taluk Hospitals,
District Hospitals, State level Hospitals (Victoria, Bowring and KC General)
and Specialty Hospitals (Jayadeva, Minto ,Vanivilas, Kidwai, Nimhans, AIIMS etc).
1. Vajpayee
Aroghya Shree Scheme:
Under this scheme BPL families who hold the BPL
cards from the Food and Civil Supplies
Department will be provided free
treatment for Catastrophic illness involving hospitalization, surgery and
therapies through empanelled super specialty hospitals. Temporary BPL cards may be obtained from
Taluka Tahshildars also.
The diseases covered under this scheme are :
heart diseases, cancer, neuro, renal, burns, trauma and neonatal.
Limitations: Limited to only 5 members per
family per year, sum assured is 2 lakhs
per year.
This scheme is implemented through a Government
Trust by name Suvarna Arogya Suraksha Trust.
2. Thai Bhagya
(Maternity benefits) - Janani Suraksha Yojana, Prasooti Araike, Madilu:
This is a scheme by national health mission for
safe motherhood. Under Janani Suraksha Yojana cash incentives are given on
delivery and tubectomy. Under the Prasooti Araike scheme all the pregnant women
belonging to SC/Stand BPL families are given Rs. 2000/- during pregnancy. Madilu kit given to the mothers of neonatal
children contains 19 items for the neonatal children.
Check up is being done for all students studying from 1st to 10th standards and detected cases of diseases will
be treated free of cost in Government Hospitals.
Arogya Kavacha: It is a free ambulance service effective from
1st November 2008. This is on a PPP model with an NGO of Hydarabad
by name EMRI. The agency provides management and 5% of the cost. The main
objective is to provide comprehensive emergency response services for the
entire population of Karnataka.
Pulse Polio Programme: This was launched in 1995. Children in the age
group of 0-5 years are administered polio drops. The cost of the polio vaccine
is borne by the Rotary Club international.
Blindness Eradication
Scheme: With the help of NGOs Cataract operations are conducted. Students with
sight defects will be given spectacles free of cost.
C) Co-operation Department:
Yeshasvini Co-operative Health
Care Group Insurance Scheme: Any member or his family member of any
Co-operative Society after 3 months as member in the society may enroll to this
scheme by paying an amount of Rs.250 in rural societies and Rs. 1010/- in urban
societies per head per year. Any one up to 75 years are eligible to avail the
benefit of this scheme. Members can avail health care upto Rs. 1.75 lakh for a
single admission and up to 2.5 lakhs for multiple admissions.
D) Women and Child Welfare Department:
The schemes of this Department are implemented
through the CDPOs of the Taluks.
Strishakthi Yojana: This is the concept of self help group consisting of
about 20 members. Members contribute Rs. 10 per week and get the help of a bank
to take up small scale group and
individual economic activities.
Santvana: The Women who are
affected by sexual or domestic violence may call telephone no. 1091 where they
will be helped by the Govt. through the NGO.
Ujwala Yojana: This is a
scheme to eradicate trafficking among women and children. This scheme is
implemented through selected NGOs.
Bhaghyalakshmi: Every female
child born in a BPL family is covered under this scheme. A bond for Rs.
19,300/- will be given by the Govt. which becomes Rs. One lakh when the girl
attains 18 years. Further up to 10th standard the child will be
given health insurance and student scholarship.

Remand Homes: All the orphan
children are taken care of here by providing education, lodging and boarding
6. Integrated Child Development Scheme: This
scheme is to take care of children up to six years and pregnant women.
Balasanjeevini Yojana: It
takes care of costly medical treatments up to Rs. fifty thousand Bala Sanjeevini scheme covers BPL families wherein 0- 6 yr
children who are registered in AWC and suffering from acute
diseases requiring tertiary treatment are treated free in 26
selected hospitals in the State. It takes care of costly medical treatments up to Rs. fifty thousand
8. Karnataka Women Development Corporation: It
provides loans up to Rs. One lakh with subsidies for entrepreneurship.
9. Identity cards are issued for senior citizens i.e for those above 60
years of age. There is concession in Railway fares to the
extent of 40% for men and 50% for women. Elderly persons above the age of 65
living in Karnataka are eligible to avail concessional monthly bus passes in
10.Old age
Homes: State Govt. extends the financial assistance to NGOs to run Old Age
Homes to take care of the elderly persons providing all the basic amenities and
care protection to life etc.
E) Food and Civil Supplies Department:
1. Ration
Cards for both BPL and APL
families are provided and food grains at subsidized rates are given through
ration shops and fair price depots.
2. Anna Bhagya Yojana: Food grains at the rate
Re. 1 per kg will be given to all the BPL families in the State. Approximately
there are 1 crore beneficiaries under this scheme. A single member family is eligible for 10 kg.
Two member family for 20 kg and families with 3 or more members are eligible
for 30 kgs.
F) Social Welfare Department:
Most of the schemes in this
Department are enforced through Dr. B R Ambedkar Development Corporation,
Karnataka Minorities Development Corporation and Devaraj Urs Backward Classes
Development Corporation. All these
Corporations provide loans and subsidies for different schemes like self
employment, purchase of land, Housing, Irrigation etc. These Corporations also
arrange for training for skills development. 1157 pre metric Hostels are run by
this Department.
G) Rural Development and Panchayat Raj:
Schemes like SGSY-Swarna Jayanthi Gramswaraj
Yojana, TSC- Total Sanitation Campaign and MGNREGA- Mahatma Gandhi National
Rural Employment Guaranty Programme are enforced by ZP, TP and GP in the
1. SGSY: Poor families will be brought above the
poverty line by forming SHGs(self help groups), by providing financial
assistance and training in skills development. This is comparable to Strishakthi
TSC: Every family in a rural
area will be assisted by providing a subsidy of Rs. 3000/-to built latrines. The
subsidy share between Central & State Govt. is 50% each.
MGNREGA: This is a social
security scheme providing guaranty of labour in the rural areas for 100 days in
a year. In drought hit areas it is 150 days. The detailed scheme is in the
NREGA Act – 2005. In every work material component of expenditure will be a
maximum of 40% and the labour component will be a minimum of 60%. A minimum of
20% expenditure should be made for tree planting. A maximum of 10% expenditure
may be made on road works. Any rural person whether APL or BPL may obtain a
card from GP and work any day of the year at his convenience. The labour charge per day is Rs. 174/-.
Housing Programmes: Rajiv
Gandhi Housing Development Corporation (RGRHCL) is the nodal agency to provide houses
to economically and socially weaker sections of the society under Ashraya
Yojana. There are different schemes under different names for different
categories of people like SC/STs, Women, Weavers, Fishermen, rural urban etc.
Normally in all the schemes the subsidy portion is Rs 1,20,000 and the unit
cost per house is 1,50,000.
Slum Clearance Board: Under
the Karnataka Slum Area (improvement and clearance) Act-1973 –SCB takes up
clearance and development of slums by providing housing and infrastructure
facilities to slum dwellers.
H) Agriculture Department:
1. Kisan
Credit Card to provide credit
to the farmers has been introduced by NABARD.
Crop loans are
generally disbursed by the banks through the mode of Kisan Credit Card (KCC).
The Kisan Credit Card Scheme is in operation throughout the country and is
implemented by Commercial Banks, Cooperative Banks and RRBs. All farmers are
eligible for issuance of KCC. KCC holders are also covered under Personal
Accident Insurance Scheme (PAIS) against accidental death/permanent disability.
Bank assesses farmer’s eligibility on the basis of land available for
cultivation and the scale of finance fixed.
Some of the
main features of KCC scheme are :
Validity of
KCC for 5 years.
No withdrawal
in the account to remain outstanding for more than 12 months;
One time
documentation at the time of first availment and thereafter simple declaration
(about crops raised/ proposed) by farmer.
2. When a farmer commits suicide the survivors
will be granted a relief of Rs. 1 lakh. For snake bite deaths APMC grants a
relief of Rs. 50,000/-
3. Through Raitha Samparka Kendras located in
each hobli throughout the state, seeds, fertilizers, insecticides, pesticides,
agricultural implements etc are provided to farmers at subsidized rates.
I)Horticulture Department:
National Horticulture Mission is a centrally
sponsored scheme in which GOI provides funds for all-round development of
Horticulture activity of the farmers by disseminating technologies etc. Traditional
wisdom and Modern Scientific knowledge are mixed for the advantage of farmers.
J) Labour Department:
Under Rastriya Swasthya Bima Yojana-RSBY, any
five members of every BPL family may obtain a health insurance covering Rs.
30,000/- per year by paying a registration fee of Rs. 30/- only.
K) Department of ITBT:
1.Karnataka Mobile One is an app which is a
unified platform for citizen services which delivers services from both Govt. and
private sector. These services can be availed either by downloading the app or
by dialing 161 on phone. This allows users to pay utility bills, property
taxes, book railway and bus tickets, file income tax, m-pass port seva, applying
for driving licenses etc. It can also be
used to notify officials about grievances and ill-functioning of services.
Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana(PMJDY):
Scheme Details:
Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) is
National Mission for Financial Inclusion to ensure access to financial
services, namely, Banking/ Savings & Deposit Accounts, Remittance, Credit,
Insurance, Pension in an affordable manner.
Account can be opened in any bank branch or
Business Correspondent (Bank Mitr) outlet. PMJDY accounts are being opened with
Zero balance. However, if the account-holder wishes to get cheque book, he/she
will have to fulfill minimum balance criteria.
required to open an account under Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana
- If Aadhaar Card/Aadhaar
Number is available then no other documents is required. If address has
changed, then a self certification of current address is sufficient.
- If Aadhaar Card is not
available, then any one of the following Officially Valid Documents (OVD)
is required: Voter ID Card, Driving License, PAN Card, Passport &
NREGA Card. If these documents also contain your address, it can serve
both as Proof
of Identity and Address.
- If a person does not have
any of the officially
valid documents
mentioned above, but it is categorized as low risk' by the banks, then
he/she can open a bank account by submitting any one of the following
Identity Card with applicant's
photograph issued by Central/State Government Departments, Statutory/Regulatory
Authorities, Public Sector Undertakings, Scheduled Commercial Banks and Public
Financial Institutions;
Letter issued by a gazette officer,
with a duly attested photograph of the person.
Special Benefits under PMJDY Scheme:
- Interest on deposit
- Accidental insurance cover of Rs.1.00 lac
- No minimum balance required.
- Life insurance cover of Rs.30,000/-
- Easy Transfer of money across India
- Beneficiaries of Government Schemes will get Direct Benefit
Transfer in these accounts.
- After satisfactory operation of the account for 6 months, an
overdraft facility will be permitted
- Access to Pension, insurance products.
- Accidental Insurance Cover, RuPay Debit Card must be used at least
once in 45 days.
- Overdraft facility upto Rs.5000/- is available in only one account
per household, preferably lady of the household.
I request
you to follow the upcoming Central budget scheduled on 28 Feb 2015, Railway
Budget and the Karnataka state budget regarding changes or additions to the prevailing schemes.
Once you
are inducted in to the KAS or IAS service, your opportunities to serve the poor
people is very vast compared to what the service an individual or an NGO can do
for them. Though you are not spending
money from your pocket, by just effectively implementing the schemes of the
Government you will redress the grievance or suffering of a common man. That
indeed is the joy of Service.
Some helpful websites:
Some Help lines:
Arogya Kavacha Ambulance
kisan call centre
080 2287 2364 Vanitha sahaya vani
1098 Makkala sahaya vani
100 police
161 Karnataka Mobile one
I love the way you write and share your niche! Very interesting and different! Keep it coming!
Rajiv Arogya Bhagya
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